Energy Saving Tips

Energy Saving Tips for any time of the year.

Tips for Any Season

  1. Even a slight window crack can waste energy. Replace cracked glass
  2. Check for air leaks around windows, doors and electrical outlets.
  3. Repair weather-stripping and fix leaks.
  4. Install storm windows, or cover the outside glass with polyethylene sheets.
  5. Keep your fireplace damper closed when not in use.
  6. If you have ducts in your attic, make sure they're insulated.
  7. If you have an attached garage, keep the garage door closed as much as possible.
  8. Have a high-efficiency hot water heater installed, such as an NTI or QHT.
  9. Water heaters use a lot of energy, so turn the thermostat down to about 120 degrees. Not only will this save energy, but it also reduces the risk of scalding injuries. If it is set higher, you will be using a lot of cold water to bring the temperature down. If you can't find the thermostat or you're not sure how to set it, contact a professional for help.
  10. Make sure your home has adequate insulation. The first place to check is the attic, since it is cheap and easy to add insulation there, and about one-third of heat lost is through the roof. If your walls are not properly insulated, that should also be corrected. A well-insulated home will pay you back for as long as you own the home and increase its re-sale value.
Energy Saving Tips for summer.

Tips for Summer

  1. Check air filters regularly and clean/replace them for maximum energy efficiency.
  2. Install a ceiling fan to help circulate air within a room.
  3. Turn off unneeded electrical devices (TVs, coffee makers, etc.). The extra heat they generate, make it more difficult for the AC to cool your home.
  4. Whenever possible, wait until the cooler evening hours to use your dishwasher or clothes dryer. These appliances generate a lot of heat.
  5. Install an attic fan to vent heat.
  6. It is best to not use a dehumidifier at the same time your air conditioner is on. The dehumidifier generates heat which will make it more difficult for the AC to cool your home. Furthermore, the AC will remove humidity from the air, so you will not need the dehumidifier as much while the AC is on.
  7. Keep the outdoor CAC unit clear - trim vines, bushes and plants so they do not interfere with airflow.
  8. Close the curtains during the day for windows that get direct sunlight, especially those facing south and west.
  9. If you are installing new shades or blinds, consider choosing white to reduce solar heating. Lighter colors reflect the heat, while darker colors tend to absorb heat.
  10. When no one is home, turn the thermostat up about 8 degrees.
  11. Have your air conditioning system professionally inspected before the summer season begins.
Energy Saving Tips for winter.

Tips for Winter

  1. Remove air conditioning window units or cover them well.
  2. Seal off your attic circulating fan with polyethylene sheets.
  3. Keep baseboard outlets clear of rugs and furniture.
  4. Remove dust and dirt from radiators for maximum heating efficiency.
  5. When no one is home, turn the thermostat down about 8 degrees.
  6. Turn down the thermostat on your water heater.
  7. Keep your feet warm. If your feet are cold, your whole body can feel cold; so make a point to use socks & footwear around the house in the winter. If you’re still feeling cold, you can also bundle up in a sweater or a blanket rather than cranking up the heat.
  8. Tap heat that’s there anyway. There are plenty of activities we do around the house that generate warmth, like cooking or taking a shower. When you shower, keep the bathroom door open so steam spreads to other rooms, and don’t turn a ventilation fan on, because it will remove the warm air you’re hoping to keep in your home.
  9. Have a high-efficiency boiler installed, such as an NTI or QHT.
  10. Have your heating system professionally inspected before the winter season begins. Proper maintenance will help your heating unit run more efficiently.
  11. During the day open your curtains and/or blinds to let sunlight in - this reduces lighting and heating costs. At night, closing curtains and blinds will help reduce heat loss by acting as an insulation layer.